Posted Nov 2, 2005, 3:05 PM ET by Nick Vagnoni
Did you know that your average pina colada has more calories than a Big Mac? According to an article in Forbes about the most fattening cocktails, that's the case. According to their calculations, a pina colada will run about 650 calories, about 100 more than a Big Mac. Other heavy hitters include a Long Island iced tea (780 calories) and a margarita (740 calories).
Instead of cocktails with soda and half a dozen different kinds of booze, nutritionists in the article recommend having one type of alcohol on the rocks or with a splash of tonic water instead.
Remember, just because it has a fruit garnish, that doesn't make it healthy.
不過話說回來我還是寧願喝Pina Colada也不要吃小山的Big Mac
- Nov 03 Thu 2005 11:25
原來我愛喝的Pina Colada熱量這樣高啊~
The most fattening cocktails